THE BOUQUET - Karel Jaromír Erben
Wed, 19. 3. 2025
Online presale has ended
THE BOUQUET - Karel Jaromír Erben
Tue, 1. 4. 2025
Available seats :
The stage adaptation of the collection of ballads "Kytice z pověstí národních" (1853), the most famous work of the native of Miletín, Karel Jaromír Erben, and one of the most renowned works of Czech literature. What comes to mind first when you hear "Kytice"? "The mother died and was laid to grave"? "By the poplar near the cliffs"? "Don't go to the lake, my daughter"? "Play here – you have a rooster"? "Give me the child"? "Oh, you Generous Eve, you mysterious holiday"? Our production will convince you that "Kytice" definitely does not belong only on a dusty archive shelf labeled "mandatory school reading"! "Kytice" as a national treasure, opening up a world of magical ballads and the wisdom of our ancestors. "Kytice" as supreme poetry with a romantic scent and a horror patina. "Kytice" as a theme of guilt, punishment, and the given laws of humans and nature. "Kytice" as a book we all know, but perhaps have somewhat forgotten.....
The performance duration is 2:10 with an intermission.